Hi Everyone! I'm Elvis, the manager of O'Neal's Tavern. I've been a part of the O'Neal's crew for around 8 years now and over that time I've learned a lot! From making my very first Margarita (it was soooo bad) to perfecting my Peach Madras (you HAVE to try one- I love it with Titos or Sauza)! I've cultivated my love of craft beer but now that I live a mostly wheat free life I'm enjoying finding cider and gluten free craft options. I still love visiting all of our Cincinnati Breweries and I travel every chance I get! Exploring that great new restaurant down the street or the new-to-me gospel brunch at Stubbs BBQ in Austin, I'm always ready to try new things! So this morning I made myself a cup of coffee in my favorite Cincinnati mug that I bought at the top of Carew Tower and I started writing. I want to share some of my crazy cocktail ideas and wild adventures with all of you! I hope you enjoy!
Over the past many years I've loved creating delicious drinks for all of you- Peanut Butter Cups anyone?!? And I've been thinking about how to step up our cocktail game. This summer I kept things whimsical and cool with Citrus Watermelon and Raspberry Peach Lemonade Adult Popsicles and Boozy Ice Cream Floats.
Summer is at an end. Oktoberfest is upon us and I started to think about my favorite fall flavors and what fruits were coming in to season. Apples! Pumpkins! Pears! Oh, my! Cinnamon! Ginger! Coffee! It may be too warm for my cozy flannel shirt and favorite scarf but that doesn't mean that I can't enjoy a Pumpkin Spice (SPIKED) Latte, Apple Pie a la Rocks, or a Bourbon Ginger-Pear! What are your favorite fall flavors?
Stay tuned as a share these recipes and more! And please follow us on Instagram @onealstavern! #ElvisSips #onealslovescraftbeer #onealslovescocktails #leprechaunslovebeer #onealscocktails #corporatebarssuck